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Fiyanll! This is just what I was looking for.
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
Liked how you tied together your two inheritances. From Adam’s fall we have our failing bodies, but from our inheritance as being children of God we will one day have our perfect ones.
Aunt Jessie & Family, We are so very sorry to hear about Terry. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love, Michael,Tami, Hailee & Dakota
Wow..this story sounds just like mine! My daughter just turned 8. She has always been outspoken moody and snappy. She now takes allergy shots for things like dogs and cats, grass, and oak. I then did a milk elimiation and I am amazed. I have a whole new daughtet that I love to be around. Does anybody know of websites or blogs with similar stories that share recipes?
OHMEGAWDThe purse is EXTREMELY cute as well as the purse. Vanessa & Angela should really make a MATCHING jacket because I would so buy it and wear it. It’s hard for me to find something that would match well with the colors so a matching jacket or shirt would really make this stuff even more glamorous! LOL It is extremely hawt though
may i add another poem by wang an shi? (please delete at will.)ã€æ¢…花】 北宋 王安石 (1021—1086)墙角数æžæ¢…,凌寒独自开。é¥çŸ¥ä¸æ˜¯é›ªï¼Œä¸ºæœ‰æš—香æ¥ã€‚Plum FlowersWang Anshi (Northern Song)Sev’ral plum branches stand at the wall corner there;Ev’n in extreme cold they, alone, flow’r in delight.From a distance I know that they are not snow white,For sweet scent floats and lingers in the freezing air. (tr. frank c w yue)